AFPA Trust’s inaugural Big Quiz Night raises Asset Finance competitive spirits and £15,500 for Charities

Asset Finance Quiz Teams, Charities, Scores and Quiz Winners Interbay Asset Finance

The prestigious Royal Overseas League Club in London St James, saw 22 teams with many new faces to AFPA Trust from across the Asset Finance industry, fight out a close-run competition for their 25 chosen charities, with only a point each separating the top four teams!

Excitement mounted as 120 lessors, brokers, system suppliers, and consultants assembled in the Princess Alexandra room for a glass of bubbly before moving upstairs to the Hall of India & Pakistan dining room. All were welcomed by AFPA chair Adrian Langford and organiser and deputy AFPA chair, Robert Taylor.

Left: 2nd place VIP Apps, Middle: 3rd place Paragon Asset Finance, Right: Heads & Tails Winner Haydock Finance

Robert comments “Thank you all for attending, quizzing, helping and sponsoring Thursday’s AFPA Trust Big Quiz. Special thanks from me to our quizmaster – Paul Mayne and all those that helped on the evening” He added, “Huge congratulations and respect to Interbay Asset Finance who will be donating £10,000 to DePaul UK – only 1 point separated them from 2nd place VIP Apps who will be donating £3,000 to Launchpad Reading and 1 point from Paragon Bank who will be donating £1,000 to Naomi House. Separately Haydock Finance won the Heads and Tails with £500 going to Blackburn Youth Zone.”

Paul Fazakerley MD at InterBay Asset Finance said “we are proud to have won the inaugural AFPA Quiz against very stiff competition from across the asset finance industry. It was closely-fought and we are delighted to have won both the Rivermore Trophy and £10,000 for our chosen charity, DePaul, which helps homeless young people. It was an extremely well-organised event and we will definitely be back next year to defend our trophy and would encourage others to submit teams next year to help raise much-needed funds for charity.’

 Adrian Langford summed up “What a delightful evening it was. Terrific atmosphere from the outset and who knew the asset finance industry had so many knowledgeable quizzers? Very good to see so many new people whom we hope will become AFPA Members and come along to future events.  Everything we do is focused on organising and running networking events for our members and their guests and raising monies for good causes. To get involved please contact us here“.

You can download and share pictures of the AFPA Big Quiz Night visit here. For details of more AFPA Trust events including the Summer Gala Dinner on Saturday, 7th July 2023, also at the Royal Overseas League Club please click here and become a member if you are not one already – membership helps us host events for charities you want us to support.

Johnnie Halliday AFPA Trustee & IAA Advisory Director

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